18 USC 2257 Record-Keeping Requirements Compliance Statement for Onlye4.com
Onlye4.com is not the producer (primary or secondary) of any content found on the website (Onlye4.com). For records related to 18 USC 2257 compliance concerning any content available on this site, please direct your request to the site from which the content was produced. Onlye4.com operates as a video-sharing platform that allows users to upload, share, and view various types of adult content. While Onlye4.com takes steps to verify compliance, it may not always be 100% accurate.
Onlye4.com complies with the following procedures to ensure compliance:
- Age Verification: All users must be 18 years of age or older to upload videos.
- Content Verification: When uploading content, users must verify that:
- They are at least 18 years of age.
- They maintain records of the models’ ages.
- They own the content or have the necessary legal licenses for it.
- User Responsibility: Onlye4.com disclaims responsibility for any copyright violations and places the obligation on users to ensure they have verified ownership or licensing of uploaded images and/or videos.
- Inappropriate Content: Onlye4.com allows content to be flagged as inappropriate. If any content is flagged as illegal, unlawful, harassing, harmful, offensive, or for any other reason deemed inappropriate, Onlye4.com will promptly remove it from the site.
For any further assistance or inquiries regarding the content’s originating site, please contact Onlye4.com directly. Onlye4.com is committed to maintaining a safe and legal environment for all its users.